Lady Love

Executive Manager

Dr. Love


Our Story

Dr. Love Rebirth Centre has been in existence for over nine(9) years. As Naturopahtic Doctors and Holistic Care Practioners. We take pride in getting people well again, men and women of every age, including children. We strongly believe that alternative medicine is the way to go in most situations, if not all. we also believe that our Heavenly Father provided herbs to heal every sickness and lifestyle disease that affects us on planet earth.

Over the recent years the business and produce line has evolved into a magnificent array of products covering a wide scope of ailments. We sincerely pray that all our products will do what we say it will and as we continue to expand we pray that God will truly bless everyone who come into contact with us and use our products in Jesus’ name.

We are convenienlty located at PTSC Transit Mall, Croisee San Juan, with branches at San Fernando, Penal and Tobago.

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